Monday, September 7, 2015

#words pt2

This is "words: part two." There is always a part two. 

I have a mentor by the name of Matt. (We'll call him Matt #1 later.) Matt knows everything about me and I him. Which is probably why this next statement is true: Matt has always spoken to me with words that build into my soul and character.

I have another Matt in my life that craves brotherhood with me. (We'll call him Matt #2.) When I talk with Matt, I think harder, laugh louder, nerd out, soul search, agree yet disagree, and experience life. Matt chooses (way more often than me) to speak words that are purposeful. He understands the rarity of brotherhood between friends and protects it.

There is another person in my life by the name of Mark. (I am sensing some alliteration in my deep friendships.) Mark speaks "okay" into my life. Do you have an "okay" guy? He or she is kind of like the hype man in a rap group. (That's a bit of a stretch but felt like a cool analogy to toss in there.) Mark has listened to all of my pains and pasts of my life story - he has even walked with me through one - and he always makes my mess feel okay. Never has he judged me. He simply says, "It's okay, but let's pick up these pieces. A masterpiece still exists here." 

The common bond (besides the letter M): words are powerful. In my last post I talked about how words rip and tear, but I wanted to follow up with this: a timely word builds life into God's creation. Take a moment to soak that phrase in. The creation story is literally brought to life with words. God spoke and life happened. C.S. Lewis is the master at putting this into visual words via The Chronicles of Narnia. One of my favorite scenes is when Aslan is walking and singing things into existence.

I know there is a verse tucked away in that good ol' book, the Bible, that says we are created in God's image. I am going to take a small liberty here... if I am made, if we are made, in God's image then we also have life to give in the words that we speak. I hope this makes sense because it totally does to me. 

I am who I am because words of life were spoken into me by people. That matters. It matters that Matt #1 told me as a 15 year old that I didn't have to be the next [fill in the blank with a really cool person you want to be in life], that I would be the first Randy Olive. Essentially he told a 15 year old on the verge of depression, "Keep being you because that is what the world needs."

It matters that Matt #2 tells me how much he cherishes our friendship. He speaks out loud his desires and expectations for his own life and opens up the conversations that sharpen iron. It matters that we are each others sounding board / litmus test. 

It matters that Mark can look me in the eye and tell me that he is proud of me. That one there is like a well and I drink from it often. This was a phoenix statement for me... from ashes: life. 

And then there is Ellen (I've saved the best for last). My wife. My saving grace. She has never, even in the worst of times, spoken an ill word to me or about me. (Can I just say to everyone: no one should ever hear you speak ill of your spouse.) She tells me often that she is my biggest fan. Her words are truly God's mouthpiece. When she says she chooses me, it is like a renaissance in my being. I feel power, creativity, love, excitement, ability, strength, kindness, hope... Please grasp the power of that: with one simple word my wife wakes me to feel like I am on top of the world. And that is what I get to be tethered to!

Dear Sweet Child of Mine, 

My goal for you is that you hear and see the power that words have. My prayer is that from that you become a Matt #1 to a 15 year old boy: someone in this world will need you to tell them that they are needed. I want you to be a Matt #2 to your friends: speaking words that build into life. I want you to be a Mark: never showing judgment, being a safe place for people to heal. And I want you to be just like your mom: always using your words to make those you love wake to feel like they are on top of the world!

Arguably the Most Fun Dad in the World